Archive Statistics


Please note this only includes items currently indexed by Blow-Molded and is not a complete picture of everything produced by the manufacturer.


Please note this only includes items currently indexed by Blow-Molded and is not a complete picture of everything produced by the manufacturer.

Material Types

Please note this only includes items currently indexed by Blow-Molded and is not a complete picture of everything produced by the manufacturer.

  • 48.17% of products (with a photo) have multiple photos
  • 35.16% of products (with a photo) have enlarged photos
  • 18.00% of products have no photo
  • 7.94% of products have packaging
  • 1.70% of products have an unconfirmed manufacturer
  • 4.19% of products have an unknown manufacturer
  • 33.55% of products have a variant label
  • 74.95% of products have power information
  • 7.57% of products have complete information
  • 59.06% of products have both an `introduced` and `discontinued` year
  • 82.11% of products have either an `introduced` or `discontinued` year
  • 17.11% of products have transcribed stamp text
  • 36.80% of products have a known origin country
  • 41.65% of products have multiple measurements
  • 30.48% of products have approx. years produced
  • 72.75% of products have been updated
  • 21.90% of products have more than one update
  • 12.74% of products have stamped mold creation years
  • 7.04% of products have mold numbers
  • 7.68% of products have a UPC
  • 7.34% of products have no measurements